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Promoting Open Science in Learning Analytics: An Interactive Tutorial on Licensing, Data, and Containers


This event has been postponed for Learning Analytics in Practice (LAP2024) on June 18th-20th, 2024.

Conference: LAK 2024 | March 18th - 22nd, 2024 | Kyoto, Japan

Online (Zoom): #March 19th 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM JST# $2024-03-19 20:00:00-23:00:00 +09:00$

  • Password if Required: LAK-24

Across the past decade, the open science movement has increased its momentum, making research more openly available and reproducible across different environments. In parallel, learning analytics, as a subfield of education technology, has been increasing as well, providing more accurate statistical models and integrations to improve learning. However, there is a discernible gap between the understanding and application of open science practices in learning analytics. In this tutorial, we will expand the knowledge base towards open data and open analysis. First, we will introduce the complexities of intellectual property and licensing within open science. Next, we will provide insights into data sharing methods that preserve the privacy of participants. Finally, we will conclude with an interactive demonstration on sharing research materials reproducibly. We will tailor the content towards the needs and goals of the participants, enabling researchers with the necessary resources and knowledge to implement these concepts effectively and responsibly.

This project is available on OSF under the CC-BY-4.0 License.